Notary Fees:
- Standard sign fee for in-office signings (Deeds, Powers of Attorney, Pension Docs, Trusts, etc.): $15.00 per signature
- Mobile Service fees vary location (Please call 530-903-8444 for appointment and quote): Ranging from $15.00-$50.00 in addition to the standard $15 per signature
- Jail Signings (during normal inmate visiting hours): $35.00 (in addition to standard $15 per signature)
- After Hours and Saturdays, (by appointment only; when available): $35.00 (in addition to standard $15 per signature and mobile fee; if applicable)
Live Scan Fees:
- Live Scan Rolling Fee: $21 rolling fee + Govt. Fees (In-office)
- Ink Fingerprint Card (Standard FD-258 FBI card): $21 (In-office)
- Mobile Service Fees: (Please call 530-395-5111 for appointment): $50.00 (plus standard $21 and Govt. fees; per live scan submission or ink card) for 1-5 people (Mobile fee waived if more than 5 people are being printed)
- After Hours/Saturdays (by appointment only; when available):: $50.00 + Govt. fees (per live scan submission or ink card)(may be additional mobile fee; if applicable)
Passport Photos:
- $12.00 (during standard business hours only)